One Simple Way to Grow Your Facebook Business Page in 2023

One of the main complaints I hear from clients regarding social media is their frustration in growth. Makes sense, right? We’ve all felt it. I feel it still. But there are small, incremental actions we as business owners can take when trying to increase our social media footprint. There’s no denying that each platform has it’s own set of small opportunities where growth feels like it can be one little click away and I’m here to share a quick and direct way to grow your Facebook page in 2023.

The One-Click Invite Strategy

Facebook is not a platform that many users sing praises about these days. It’s thought of more as the grandaddy of social media having been around since 2004. But, if you own a business, large or small, either you or someone in your company manages social media and it can be maddening to try to feel like progress is being made.

Facebook has a feature that allows you to quickly invite someone who has interacted with a post - to be a follower of your page. I’ve been utilizing this action step for many years and it does not serve as a silver bullet to growth, but does provide a direct invitation to others who might like to follow what you do. I call it the “One-Click Strategy”.

Here is a screenshot from one of my recent posts on Facebook. It received a ton of interaction. The way I look at it is that these people liked what I put out into the social media world. They have stopped by my little place on Facebook and given me a thumbs up, a heart, or a wow. To me, I now feel that it is completely appropriate for me to solicit a follow for my page. And that’s exactly what I do.

You can see in the visual, there are three indicators to the side of the person’s name who has LIKED your Facebook post on your business page. Here’s what they mean:

  • Invite box: this person is not currently following your page

  • Invited box: this person has been sent an invite to your page, but has not yet acknowledged it

  • Blank: this person has already followed your page

That’s it. It is a very simple way to perhaps gain a little bit of traction and grow your following. Will it provide astronomical growth? No, it won’t. Will it give your Facebook business page a better opportunity to reach new followers, and perhaps new clients? Yes, it will.

The Biggest Takeaway From This Strategy

One of my favorite content creators of the past 8 years is Casey Neistat. He was recently on the Rich Roll Podcast and provided such a great quote for anyone publishing content - whether it’s on YouTube, Instagram, or yes, even the old grandaddy of social media - Facebook. Here’s what Casey said.

“Patience is really the most undervalued aspect of succeeding in the world of media today. You have all the agency in the world. You don’t need anything from anyone. But if you’re not willing to commit the time to it, you’re never going to find that success.”

This is a small nugget, a tiny strategy that I’ve implemented for years. This will not explode your Facebook business page overnight. It might not even make a ripple and you’ll have to continue finding ways to grow in other ways. But, it takes time. You’ve got to keep showing up, posting the best content you can, and enjoy providing solutions, inspiration, or products and services that consumers want to interact with. And, you can.

Scott Duvall is a photographer, videographer, and content creator for brands and is based in the Athens, Georgia area.


An Unexpected Frame-Worthy Georgia Bulldogs Photograph (Picture of the Week)


In Honor of Vince Dooley